Bookseller #1 and Bookseller #2  2016
Bookseller #1 and Bookseller #2 2016

painted wood, metal hardware

variable configurations

photo: Aurélien Mole

Bookseller #2
Bookseller #2

painted wood, metal hardware

photo: Aurélien Mole

Bookseller #1
Bookseller #1

painted wood, metal hardware

photo: Aurélien Mole

Bookseller #1 and Bookseller #2  2016
Bookseller #2
Bookseller #1
Bookseller #1 and Bookseller #2 2016

painted wood, metal hardware

variable configurations

photo: Aurélien Mole

Bookseller #2

painted wood, metal hardware

photo: Aurélien Mole

Bookseller #1

painted wood, metal hardware

photo: Aurélien Mole

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